A previous post worked through the basic installation of our example flat file CMS (Phile). A bit of bargain basement philosophizing about working arrangements followed. These steps will help to attain these goals.

The previous post already decided to move the canonical content files to a user account, so that is the present mission. By the way, the original idea was to keep the content files under $MY_WwwRoot and create soft links in the user account. That concept needs to be filed under "bad ideas to avoid". It just doesn't compute. Instead, the soft links are created under $MY_WwwRoot.

First Things First: Ensure MY Variables are Defined

The MY variables tip suggests that it is convenient to define shell variables for the current paths of interest:

$ MY_WwwRoot=/var/www
$ MY_CmsRoot="${MY_WwwRoot}"/phile

Create a CMS Testbed Branch and Stay In It

The CMS basic installation post left off where a few simple changes had been made to the master branch. The first item of business is go get a clean commit of this git branch:

$ cd "${MY_CmsRoot}"
MY_CmsRoot $ git status
nothing to commit (working directory clean) 

The rebase procedure talks about this in the context of an entire CMS update procedure.

The next step is to create (-b) and check out a CMS branch. Let's call it testbed:

MY_CmsRoot $ git checkout -b testbed

By the way, in git checkout does not check out files - it changes branches and checks out the files. This is a bit bewildering from a Subversion perspective.

The key point here is that almost all the changes made to the CMS from this point on take place in this branch, with the rebasing procedure used to update the CMS and replay those changes to the testbed branch.

Decide What is Content vs. CMS infrastructure

The CMS directory contents are listed by the following:

MY_CmsRoot $ ls -lA

Here is the important question: of all those files, which ones really contain the web site content one will be developing, called the canonical content?

All files under content/ certainly qualify. But all the files under themes/ are in fact web template files and other necessary files like javascript stubs, so they qualify as canonical content files.

Other files like fiducial.html, favicon.ico, and info.php are somewhat ambiguous, but they get tweaked, so they can be canonical files.

The files config.php and .htaccess are more ambiguous, but can be considered canonical files for now, possibly to be reconsidered later on.

Anyway, the important thing is to select a set of files. The set can be tweaked later on.

Create a Canonical Content Directory in a User Account

If one has a container directory named e.g. ~/app/ for all their work, a new directory ~/app/www/content/ makes sense:

$ cd ~/app
~/app $ mkdir www && cd www
~/app/www $ mkdir content 
~/app/www $ MY_ContentRoot=~/app/www/content

At this point step 4 of the permissions procedure could be applied to the new directory, but the full procedure will probably be needed later.

Copy the Canonical Content Files

This can be done using the file manager. Just copy the files and directories of the above canonical file set to $MY_ContentRoot, making sure to copy the entire contents of directories, and files like .htaccess which tend to not show up in a file manager unless some key is hit (try ctrl-h).

Delete the Content Files from the CMS and Commit

Don't just delete the canonical file set - use git rm with a possible recurse option (-r) to remove them from version control:

MY_CmsRoot $ git rm -r content
MY_CmsRoot $ git rm .htaccess
MY_CmsRoot $ git status

The status command should show all the files as deleted. By the way, it is possible to move the files in the above step vs. copying the files - just use the --cached option in the git rm command to remove the already missing working files from version control.

It is convenient to commit all (-a) the changes at this time:

MY_CmsRoot $ git commit -a
MY_CmsRoot $ git status
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

It is always good to commit after increments of structural change.

Create Soft Links in the CMS and Commit

The idea here is to replace the items that were just deleted with soft links (-s) to the copies that were just made:

MY_CmsRoot $ ln -s "${MY_ContentRoot}"/content content
MY_CmsRoot $ ln -s "${MY_ContentRoot}"/.htaccess .htaccess
MY_CmsRoot $ git status
MY_CmsRoot $ ls -lA
MY_CmsRoot $ git commit -a
MY_CmsRoot $ git status
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

The first status command should show the items as new files. The ls command should not show any flashing colors indicating bad links. The permissions of soft links are all wide open to inherit the permission of the referent file (i.e., file referred to). The final status command should show a clean project.

Recheck Permissions of Canonical Content

Since the canonical content file tree is brand new and files were moved into it, the safe course of action is to reapply the file permissions procedure with a $RootPath of $MY_ContentRoot. That should make things such that when the content is changed, the permissions stay correct.

Render testbed.com

The site should render as before using same same URL http://testbed.com. The big change is that the web content can keep growing while the CMS stays unchanged.

Put the Canonical Content Under Version Control

First, create a fresh git repository in a brand new .git directory:

MY_ContentRoot $ git init

Now version control your files and directories:

MY_ContentRoot $ git add content
MY_ContentRoot $ git add .htaccess

Start a .gitignore file that tells git what files not under version control are to be ignored, and version control this file:

MY_ContentRoot $ touch .gitignore && git add .gitignore

Now perform the first commit:

MY_ContentRoot $ git commit -a
MY_ContentRoot $ git status

The idea is that each commit leaves a clean project. The rest of the work consists of maintaining the project while the content evolves.


You should now have a decent working arrangement to start the actual web site development. Note that the CMS and canonical content git projects are completely separate -- that is, disentangled. As far as git is concerned, a soft link is just another file.

Later posts will show how words like canonical and disentangled are important, when site transformations come into play. For now, all the ingredients are in place to build a web site.

Intra-Site Links

[1]: Flat File CMS Installation: Phile (http://metasupes.com/blog/2016/2016-06-13)
[2]: A Bit of Strategy: The Working Arrangement (http://metasupes.com/blog/2016/2016-06-20)
[3]: Command Line Tip: Define Some Key Shell Variables (http://metasupes.com/comp/workflow/my-variables)
[4]: Procedure to Rebase a CMS to Maintain Local Changes (http://metasupes.com/webdev/tools/git/rebase-cms)
[5]: Apache File Permissions (http://metasupes.com/comp/tools/apache/www-permissions)